Catholic Spiritual direction is a relational process that helps people develop a deeper relationship with God:
Spiritual direction is a journey that focuses on spiritual growth and development, and the personal relationship between a person and God.
A spiritual director listens to a person’s experiences of God, and helps them open themselves to God’s communication. The director also helps the person learn to notice God’s presence in prayer and daily life.
Role of the director
The director’s role is to listen, provide guidance, and act as a spiritual guide. The director is not a counselor, but rather someone who helps the person develop their personal prayer.
Sessions are usually held once a month, but can be more or less frequent depending on the person’s needs. Sessions are typically one hour long.
Spiritual direction is different from counseling or therapy, which are often focused on problem solving. Spiritual direction is also not meant to be friendship, mentoring, teaching or discipling.
Spiritual Director will be offered by Sr. Anne Dolores Van Wagenen who has received her certification in Spiritual Direction for the Archdiocesan Spirituality Center and the Upper Room spirituality Center of Neptune, New Jersey.
This program will begin in February 2025. More information to follow.